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Product Distribution: Our Top Tips

No matter how big or small your business is, the backbone of your service provision will be your distribution strategy, with the aim being to give your customers exactly what they want, exactly when they want it.

The first step to take when devising your distribution plan is to think about who your target audience is and the kinds of products you sell, taking into account their size, shape, fragility and other features that will affect the kind of shipping options you’ll need to consider.

Also think about where you are in relation to where your customers are located, which will help you make the necessary decisions to ensure efficient logistics.

It can be useful to have a look at what your competitors are doing to see if you can glean any ideas for your own processes and procedures, as well. You’re sure to find lots of inspiration and ideas for your own distribution partners.

There are generally two different types of distribution strategy: direct and indirect. There are various benefits associated with both ways of working, depending on your specific products or services.

Direct distribution, for example, is where you sell and send products directly to the consumer without having to use a third party. In this instance, a warehouse or storage unit would potentially be necessary in order to store your products, with delivery processes in place to ensure efficient postage to customers.

Indirect distribution, meanwhile, is where you use a third party or intermediary to help you with product logistics. This is a good strategy to consider if you sell lots of routine products and can yield substantial cost savings as a result.

Ensuring that your distribution strategy is strong will help you maintain your business reputation and make sure that your customers are only ever satisfied whenever they come to you.

Looking for logistics companies in Bristol at the moment? Get in touch with the IC Express team today to see how we can help.

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